What should you do when you don't know what to do in Rome? Or any city at all?
Joining the study abroad program alone has pushed me to spend more time by myself and not wait for anyone to do things with me. Quality alone time helps me reset when I'm living in an apartment with 6 other girls and makes me feel more independent. There are so many amazing things to see in Rome that you might miss if you are always waiting on a friend to do them with you. Instead of laying in bed or watching Netflix when you spend time alone, here are some ideas for when you want to spend time in the city and be present in the moment during your study abroad experience.
1. Cook
Cooking is a great hobby to pick up while studying abroad because it saves you money, helps you develop a new and useful skill, integrates you with the local culture. I have been learning to cook some classic Italian dishes just by learning from my Italian student companion and watching some Youtube videos! I am also going to take a cooking class so I can learn even more. I've never really had a reason to learn to cook since I've only lived in dorms throughout college, but now it is one of my new favorite hobbies.
2. Sit in a park
Just being outside makes me feel happier and more productive. Try taking food to-go and eating outside, doing your homework, listening to music, or reading a book, especially when the weather is nice.
3. Walk around the city listening to music or a podcast
I'm not really one for pointless walking because I get so bored. But I've found that listening to music or a podcast as I aimlessly walk around the city keeps me entertained, helps me get to see more of the city, and makes me feel more productive than sitting inside and doing nothing.
4. Go to a museum
Going to a museum is the best thing you can do when you're by yourself. Have you ever experienced the awkward, un-spoken rush when you're touring a museum with other people? You know, when you feel like you have to wait for them to go to a new room or are slowing them down when you spend extra time on one exhibit? Going to a museum alone eliminates this awkwardness.
5. Get gelato
6. Workout/go on a run
This one is far-fetched but had to throw it out there. Running around the city is a great way to see it though, if you're into that.

Jackie Jones
<p>My name is Jackie Jones and I'm a sophomore at Claremont Mckenna College in Claremont, CA from San Diego, CA. I enjoy traveling, photography, fashion, music and playing volleyball for my school. On the weekends, you can find me playing Spikeball, beach volleyball, or on a deep-dive of music videos on Youtube.</p>