On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the historic event, and I was lucky enough be there for the commemorative events. White balloons were placed where the wall used to stand, and on November 9 they were released one by one up into the night sky.
Berlin is easily one of my favorite cities and I think this is a universal feeling as anyone who’s visited has nothing but good things to say.
Some thoughts:
- The metro stops are all still bustling with people at all hours of the night, every night. Many have beers in hand. I’ll prost to that.
- Nudelbox is my new German best friend.
- Shout out to Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebab, voted best kebab in Berlin. Major boo to the annoying American marketing students in front of us in line saying stuff like (and I quote), “yeah, he was like, from Africa but like, didn’t look like it. He like, wasn’t black.” THIS ISN’T MEAN GIRLS, YOU CAN’T JUST SAY STUFF LIKE THAT. Major snaps to my friend for calling them out.
- The weather was impeccable, my friends and I kept saying “what a perfect crisp fall day.”
- Some older folks teared up during the release of the white balloons, which was incredibly moving.
- The Jewish Museum is incredibly well done. Exhibitions are beautifully and effectively executed and informative.
- Hauptbahnhof is the coolest train station, especially at 6am from my hotel room from across the street courtesy of Bahn because my overnight train from Berlin to Paris was cancelled. Complimentary breakfast included as an apology. I love you.
- The art and music scene is gritty and creative, which is awesome.
- Thanks Monty, mein freund studying there for the semester, for showing us the coolest places, like Madonna-bar.
- I’ll be coming back, and hopefully for longer than just 4 days.

Hy Khong
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I'm a third-year student at Bowdoin College studying Visual Arts and dabbling in anything else that seems interesting. Always carrying around a camera, I'm one to believe that even the smallest moments are ones we should preserve. I've been to France before, but I was unfortunately too naïve and young to appreciate it. I'm hoping this time I'll be able to thoroughly experience the Nantais way of life, and have the musings and photos to share with you all along the way.</span></p>