First, allow me to introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me:
Name: Hannah
School: Bryn Mawr College, Class of 2015
Majors: Music and Psychology
IES Program I’ll be blogging about: Music history and (vocal) Performance
Hobbies: Aside from music, I love photography, creative writing, baking, and exploring nature (hiking etc.)
Fun Fact: I also play the harp, piano, and violin
Slightly more interesting fun fact: I’ve sung with a choir 600 feet underground, in a salt mine– casual, right?
My a cappella group, the Night Owls
Some of the Chamber Singers on our recent tour to Mexico
So now, let’s backup…Whoa. Can this be real? It seems like yesterday that I was nervously sitting in a study abroad info session, struck with all sorts deadlines and qualifications. The woman flipped through the slides as I sat there panicking—there was no way I was going to be able to fit in study abroad with my double major. As the year progressed, I heard more and more buzz about the exotic and interesting places to which people would be traveling for their “once in a lifetime” experience, and I knew I had to do something. It was around then that I heard about summer study abroad from one of my friends—the perfect compromise she explained. So at that moment, I became determined. This was the loophole for us “overbooked” types.
I had already lined up an amazing internship for that upcoming summer, so I put this coming summer on reserve for this adventure—always a bit of doubt in the back of my mind as to whether it would actually happen. However, from that point on things started following unbelievably smoothly into place. On a whim, I asked my friend who had done the Spring semester version of this music program if there was a summer version, expecting a no—to my surprise, the link showed up in my email the next day. Next was the hurdle of convincing my parents that it was worth the money— I applied for an extremely competitive scholarship thinking I had no chance against the other strong and interesting Bryn Mawr students who would be applying. And yet, I got it. Then, there was the audition for the performance workshop. Oh great, an audition—my favorite (not). I prepared the 3 vocal pieces painstakingly, recorded, posted to youtube, and closed the tabs with a wince. I don’t exactly have the best confidence when it comes to my singing yet, so I was sure this would be the end to my luck. At this point though, it was out of my hands. When I received the email a few weeks later that I had in fact been admitted into the workshop, it felt like bliss—how had everything worked out so perfectly?
I’m taking it as a sign. Things fell into place because this adventure in Vienna is going to be one heck of a life-changer, an experience I won’t be quick to forget. On top of being a thriving city overflowing with culture, it’s also the birthplace of many of “the greats” in both my fields of study—music and psychology. Living, breathing, history– how cool is that?
I will admit, I’m a bit nervous. It will be my first extended stay in another country, and I won’t know a single other soul when I arrive. But sometimes, those experiences are the best ones. So I’m going to take a deep breath and dive in with a smile— I know it’ll pay off.
Stay tuned for vibrant photos (albeit probably a lot of food pics) and fascinating ramblings as I go forth on this amazing journey!

Hannah Nacheman
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<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hannah Nacheman is a rising senior at Bryn Mawr College studying Music, with concentrations in voice and harp, and Psychology. When she's not happily nestled away in a practice room or at rehearsal, she enjoys dancing, taking photographs, and adventuring in nature. Hannah is excited to share her wanderings through the eye of her camera and her abundance of zany musings.</span></div>