While there’s a lot that I can say about what I’ve been learning about the Italian culture and Rome, I think some shots of locals can help me highlight and explain some of the qualities of life here in the city.
Rome-ance. This place wasn’t just made for lovers but by lovers and it’s definitely a culture that cultivates an appreciation of unabashed romance. These newlyweds had a pair of photographers prepping for their mini photoshoot alongside the river.
Religion – particularly Catholicism – is imbedded in the history of the city so it has become commonplace to see a Catholic sister or priest on the streets. I am 99% sure that she is on her way to the market because she’s lugging around an empty personal grocery cart.
One of the most defining qualities of the Italian lifestyle is the art of “taking it easy”. I’m going to have to get into this more later, but here’s what I can say about this photo: it was taken in Piazza Navona but in the middle of all the hustle and bustle, this lil’ ol’ grandpa was taking some time to read the newspaper and I knew he was a local.
This city moves on bicycles. Everything from grandmas on bicycles to lil’ babies strapped to parents on bicycles.
The Roman man: old and new.
Being the major tourist spot it is, Rome is filled with street performers and the “headless” folk are common.
It’s only been two weeks so there’s still a lot to be discovered about Rome, but I felt that it was worth sharing the bit of things I’ve been noticing about the people here. Ciao!

Hana Yoon
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Hana and I am a junior at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. I'm currently studying Architecture and minoring in Urban and Regional Planning (which has me even more excited to study abroad in Rome with its rich architectural history). As a lover of art, food, and adventure, I look forward to delving into the dynamic Italian culture and sharing my experiences!</span></p>