T-3 days until I’ll be Rome-bound!
As much as I have planned, anticipated, and dreamed about studying abroad, the closer the date gets, the more surreal it feels. The last week or so has been a combination of preparing to go abroad and reveling in last-minute Chicag0/local experiences – one of which included satisfying a craving for Portillo’s Chocolate Cake Shake!
Also, having very little experience with the Italian language, Rick Steve’s little Italian Phrasebook & Dictionary has helped me get the basics down. National Geographic’s Walking Rome: The Best of the City and my old textbook, The Architecture of the Roman Empire have been great references to brush off on the key sites of cultural interest in the city.
With a few days left to go, I’ve still got some time to get to the bulk of my packing but I have the essentials already set to go including : passport, IES information packet, camera, adaptor, phone/camera charger, watch, shades, journal, etc. And given the cautionary warning that the airport is some ways away from the city center, I decided to only take luggage that I could manage (rolling duffle + backpack + purse).
A few things I would like to accomplish during the next several weeks in Rome:
1. Authentic Italian Food: Eat as much of it as my body will allow!
2. The Italian Language: Take every opportunity to practice and hone my communication skills.
3. Visit Sites: The Colosse0, Pantheon, St. Peter’s Basilica, Piazza Novana – the list is endless!
Glad to have you tuning in to join my adventure in Roma!

Hana Yoon
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Hana and I am a junior at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. I'm currently studying Architecture and minoring in Urban and Regional Planning (which has me even more excited to study abroad in Rome with its rich architectural history). As a lover of art, food, and adventure, I look forward to delving into the dynamic Italian culture and sharing my experiences!</span></p>