22.33 Uhr
I’m sitting here organizing the new music that Madison shared with me before departing yesterday morning for France… soon she’ll be stateside, and I hope for her safe travels!
The last few weeks we shared much more than just music. Memories were had in Salzburg and Vienna, Budapest and Berlin. As I recuperate from quite the journey, I am now asking myself, what next? At the start of the semester when Madison, Leah and I planned our holiday travel, it seemed a million miles away. Here I sit, holiday travel completed, 2015 upon me. I don’t know where the time has gone! I already have an abundance of great stories and memories to cherish, but it’s surreal how quickly the days are passing me by.
I’m finally starting to relish in the depth of my commitment to study abroad. While the semester kids ship stateside, I am reveling in the fact that I still have until August. What to do? What to accomplish? I am terrified at the rate with which time is passing, pressured to improve my German, and excited to continue exploring.
I am at a bit of a crossroads. Limited by so little, really just by my own initiative. At this point, anything can happen. Do I move to Berlin for a month or two during my break from Uni? A city that fascinates me, a city I want to know better. Do I backpack alone through Greece and Turkey and Croatia? Do I travel Germany more extensively and really get to know this beautiful country? Do I ship off to Poland to meet up with an old friend? Luckily, my problem isn’t that there aren’t options, it’s that I have too many!
So here’s to sorting out some of my indecision, challenging myself to do the unexpected, and enjoying the rest of the time that I do have. It’s going fast, but I’m certainly taking advantage.

Haley Wilhelm
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hallo! I am Haley Wilhelm, a Junior at Scripps College from the Midwest. I enjoy reading, writing, traveling, and most of all, eating! I can't wait to explore all that Freiburg has to offer, as well as many other European cities during my academic year abroad.</span></p>