One of my favorite places in Paris to visit is not a museum, it’s a pâtisserie, a pastry shop. You can always find a patisserie within walking distance. In the store windows, you can see rows and rows of colorful desserts. C’est très mignon! Sometimes, pâtisseries are connected to boulangeries so you can get a pain au chocolat while you’re there as well. Here are some of the desserts that I’ve come across here and I highly recommend each and every one of them.
La Pâtisserie
La Boulangerie
Le Dîner
Bon apétite,

Gwen Lee
<p>Salut! Je m'appelle Gwen. I am a sophomore at Babson College and currently about 11% fluent in French. I hope to remedy that while wining and dining in the beautiful city of Paris. I am majoring in Business with a focus in Marketing. Follow along my stories to experience the ups and downs of studying abroad à Paris!</p>