Hi, guys! I am currently on the express train from Milan to Rome for my first weekend trip! Since I have about 3 hours, I figured this is the perfect time to write about my first 2 weeks here.
There are a few questions I have been asked since arriving in Milan, and instead of just answering them myself, I decided to include some of my friends!
I asked the same questions to:
- Bianca / Brandies University / Hewlett, New York
- IG @biancaeats_ @biancakisin
- Lilley / George Washington University / Birmingham, Michigan
- IG @lilleyinmilan @lilleytk
- Hannah / George Washington University / Denver, Colorado
- IG @hannahxmilan @hannah.mer
For more abroad content feel free to reach out to any of these three lovely ladies on Instagram or reach out to me! IG: @gabriellegreenberg @gabriellexmilan Tiktok: @gabriellegreenberg
Uno-1) What’s your favorite thing so far about Milan?
Hannah: “I love how fast paced the city is and how independent everyone here is. I live walking around during the day and admiring all of the fashion, architecture, and window displays on every block.”
Bianca: “The people <3”
Lilley: “So far, my favorite thing about Milan is the food, shopping, and new friends I have been making each day!”
Due-2) How has the adjustment been/ how has IES been helpful?
Hannah: “The adjustment has over all been very easy! I go to college in a big city so it was a smooth transition to being in Milan. The IES staff is very responsive and everyone is so friendly. The first week here I had the incredible opportunity to attend a Shabbat dinner at the apartment of IES staff which helped with the adjustment.”
Bianca: “It’s been great! I got lucky with awesome friends to make my adjustment easier.”
Lilley: “The adjustment to my new life as a study abroad student was a challenge at first. Moving to a new country, not knowing many people, and not speaking the language was intimidating at first. After a few days, I was able to settle in and feel more and more comfortable each day!”
Tre-3) What is one thing you are looking forward to?
Hannah: “I’m looking forward to fully immersing myself into the city culture and starting my classes.”
Bianca: “Travel!!!”
Lilley: “I am looking forward to traveling around Italy and seeing as much of Europe as I can.”
Quattro-4) What classes are you taking?
Hannah: “Visual Merchandising, Business Ethics in an Intercultural Framework, Strategic Management, Italian, and I’m working on adding one more!”
Bianca: “I am taking marketing, art history, econometrics, advanced Italian, and doing an internship.”
Lilley: “I’m taking digital marketing, strategic management, Italian, managing made in Italy companies, and the state of the art: contemporary Italian artists from 1945 to present.”
Cinque-5) What is some advice you have in terms of the first weeks studying abroad?
Hannah: “Listen to yourself and what is the best decision for you personally. Things move fast, and it’s okay to take more time to get into a routine if you need it.”
Bianca: “Watch out for those crazy trams!”
Lilley: “Put yourself out there and meet as many new people as possible!!!!”
To sum it up...
1. You are here to learn!!! Don't forget that!
2. Have fun!
3. Step outside of your comfort zone!
4. Whatever you prepared for...forget it, you gotta have an open mind
5. Travel any chance you get

Gabrielle Greenberg
<p>Hi! I’m Gabrielle, I go by Gabby and I am from downtown Chicago, IL and a junior at Indiana University Bloomington studying marketing. I have 3 dogs, I love chocolate, vlogging, and long walks on the beach (just kidding I really don’t like sand). XO <3</p>