Anyone who knows me understands me as a foodie. Whenever I am traveling, I am always excited to find the most authentic and delicious local food for the lowest prices possible. I believe eating is one of the many ways for cultural immersion.
At the beginning of my abroad experience, I was slightly disappointed by the Dutch saying that they are not known for their culinary culture. I managed to prove them wrong. I have fallen in love with the fried snack foods and healthy organic offerings. Given that the Dutch are not responsible for an extensively elaborate cuisine, Amsterdam is filled with ethnic and creative restaurants and cafes. In order to manage my budget, I tend to not eat out too often, and fortunately, groceries are affordable and fresh. It has become a weekly ritual for me to visit the open air markets such as Albert Cupymarkt and if I am lucky to be home for the weekend, Noordermarkt. I still boast about the time I was able to buy a bag of groceries at Dappermarkt for three euros. I have more than a month left in Amsterdam, but I am already planning on how to stuff my luggages with many bags of stroopwafels.

Fiona Dang
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am an art history and psychology major who decided to escape Southern California and explore the four seasons in rural Williams College. I love engaging in spontaneous adventures and finding great spots off the beaten path. I enjoy viewing and creating travel and food albums. Wish me luck in finding the perfect scarf and all the European cheeses!</span></p>