Recently, our program organized an overnight trip to Maastricht, a city that is located southeast of the Netherlands. We took a city tour of the picturesque city before stopping to sample the famous Limburg pies. After wandering in the shopping streets, we were treated with a decadent three-course meal to end the first day. Given that I had been satisfying myself with limited variations of pasta, the meal was one of the best meals I had eaten during my time in this country.
The next day, we explored St. Pietersberg Caves, a network of subterranean mining tunnels that at one point was used to hide Rembrandt’s Nightwatch. We then proceeded to take a long walk to reach Belgium…for ice cream! The two scoops of coffee and chocolate ice cream were very well deserved. Overall, Maastrict was a chance to explore more of my host country, and I appreciated how our program works hard to provide its students a general overview of the culture and history of the Netherlands.

Fiona Dang
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am an art history and psychology major who decided to escape Southern California and explore the four seasons in rural Williams College. I love engaging in spontaneous adventures and finding great spots off the beaten path. I enjoy viewing and creating travel and food albums. Wish me luck in finding the perfect scarf and all the European cheeses!</span></p>