Hello again from Wien!
This past Friday my IES crew took a day trip out to the Austrian Alps in nearby town of Semmering to do a little hiking. After about a half mile of climbing directly up the side of the mountain, we finally found the trail we were supposed to be on (I blame Professor Stipsits, one of the Psychology professors here, but don't tell him I said that).
Pinkenkget Schutzhaus Trail, Semmering
The trek was mild after that, and about an hour later we reached the peak of one of the smaller mountains in Semmering; which was enough reason to celebrate.
Prof. S (upper left) & and his happy crew of mountain climbers
Even with the detour, the climb was well worth it and lead us to some of the most breathtaking views of the trip thus far.
Views from the Pinkenkget Schutzhaus Peak
Our day wasn't over after our rocky adventure. Part two consisted of a visit to Austria's largest cave, Hermanshole, about a 45min bus ride from Summering. Thankfully we had an actual guide lead us through the winding caverns. The cave is a geological anomaly, so if you're a big stalagmite fan you're in for a treat; I for one am not, but was still able to enjoy it none the less (Just had to be cautious of the bats)!

Stalagmites in Hermanshole

Evelyn Ahnrud
<p>Hello! My name is Evelyn and I am currently a sophomore at The University of the South in Sewanee, TN. This summer I will be traveling to the beautiful and poetic city of Vienna, Austria. I will aim to capture the mystique and wonder of Vienna while paying tribute to all the artists who made this the city the spirt of free-thinking.</p>