Hola a tod@s,
The moment I've been waiting for is finally here! I've done my research and prepared as much as I possibly can. So, I can only hope for the best. I have no doubt that this will be an experience of a life time. I can feel it already. My bags are packed and my calendar is marked down to the very last day in the United States. It was hard to have so much down time for the month of January and most of February. But, luckily I was able to find a job to keep my mind off the excitement of the experience to come. I am nervous for the trip because there is plenty of room for complications, but I know once I get there that everything will fall into place. Wish me luck!

Evagelia Analitis
<p>I am twenty years old from Chicago, Illinois. I am passionate about learning, travel, books, writing poetry, and taking pictures. I am always looking for a new experience. My goal is to be open-minded throughout my life. I am inspired by the ability to express myself and who I truly am through my creative work. </p>