Dance has always been a part of my life in some way, shape, or form. When I was younger, I took ballet classes; in college, I learned Latin and Swing dancing, and took an adult ballet class. In Vienna, I knew that I would be able to attend one ball - which meant learning how to ballroom dance. So, I signed up for a ballroom class at a Tanzschule (dance school) through the Vienna Sports University.
The Vienna Sports University offers a variety of classes -- everything from cardio-total-body classes, to tai-chi, to dance. It's an excellent way to stay active, practice your German, and meet other Austrians!
My tanzkurs (dance class) is once a week on Monday nights. For someone who only started German this semester, I was a little overwhelmed at first. On top of learning new steps, the class is in a language that you are, for the most part, completely unfamiliar with! However, I'm incredibly glad that I stuck with it -- now I've learned more German, new dance steps, and leave my IES Abroad community for a bit on Mondays to mingle with locals.
So if you come to Vienna and are looking for ways to get involved with the community -- these USI courses are the perfect way to immerse yourself! Viel spaß!

Erica Spear
<p>Erica is a senior at Appalachian State University, where she is double-majoring in Flute Performance and Music Education at the Hayes School of Music. At school, she is heavily involved in performing and teaching, at the university and in the surrounding area. Erica has a fairly global background, having family worldwide and being raised as a bilingual speaker (English and Japanese) but this is her first time abroad in Europe. She is looking forward to immersing herself in Viennese culture and embracing all of the art and history that the city has to offer. In her spare time, she enjoys running, yoga, cooking and baking, hiking, dancing, various creative outlets, and being introduced to new people and activities.</p>