It never seemed like this moment would come, but all of a sudden I find myself with a mere month left in this sprawling, bustling city that never sleeps (except for Sundays). I’m trying to take advantage by trying new foods/drinks, walking down new streets everyday, and visiting some of the landmarks of the city. These photos are all from my mini adventures in the last week. Highlights were an IES trip to Feria de Mataderos, which is a touristy artisan food and craft market in front with an extremely local thrift market in the back and the celebrations for the 25 de Mayo which basically shut down the city. Huge crowds gathered in Plaza de Mayo to watch performance groups from all over South America (I caught a Venezuelan musical group and Bolivian folk dancers) who had come to show support for Argentina on this very important holiday. Latina America Unida, indeed.

Skate park in Mataderos

A craft fair on the famous Avenida de Mayo

Beautiful alter from one of the oldest churches in the city – Nuestra Señora del Pilar.

This drink is called a Submarina – so named because you submerge the chocolate bars to make your own hot chocolate.

View of the crowd that gathered in the city for the 25 de Mayo celebrations – it was crazy!

The bonfire drum circle at the monthly full moon party at the Planeterium in Palermo!

Yet another beautiful building in San Telmo

I’m a vegetarian, so this is by far my favorite food in Buenos Aires! Home made and sold in baskets all over the city.

Grafitti in San Telmo
Headlines from the death of one of the military dictatorships top generals.

Emma Pulido
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I'm Emma Pulido and I am spending my semester abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina! I've been waiting to go to Buenos Aires since a high school trip to Valparaiso, Chile got me interested in the Southern Cone countries and I couldn't be more excited to finally be here. I'm from New York City, but am currently living in Saint Paul Minnesota, where I study International Studies, Anthropology and Political Science at Macalester College. I've been focusing my studies on identity politics and tourism, so living abroad in one of South America's most mixed and dynamic cities is perfect for me! I hope to continue to study identity politics and nation building in post conflict nations post graduation, but for now I keep busy with school, Model United Nations, watching movies, exploring new places, making DIY craft projects with my roomates and my job as the student photographer for Macalester.</span></p>