The Recoleta Cemetery is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Buenos Aires. Being vehemently opposed to typical tourist attractions (I always stick to the rule: don’t take a picture you can google)I wasn’t expecting to be so impressed by the cemetery. None of the photos I had seen of the place had done it justice – in person it is truly breathtaking. Situated right next to the Recoleta mall, between a beautiful old church and the Recoleta Cultural Center, the cemetery is a gorgeous labyrinth of statues and vaults. According to the ever useful wikipedia, the cemetery was listed by CNN as one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world. I believe it – as soon as you enter, it feels like another, very peaceful, world. The vaults are ornate, many with elaborate statues or beautiful alters inside. This cemetery is the resting place to some of the most famous and influential Argentines – such as Eva Perón, many other past presidents, and important military personnel.

An angel atop a tomb

A nice sunny day

Some birds taking advantage of an angel wing

Another angel.

There are so many incredible statues in the cementario

One of the many cats that lives among the tombs

The alters inside one of the masoleums.

Emma Pulido
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I'm Emma Pulido and I am spending my semester abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina! I've been waiting to go to Buenos Aires since a high school trip to Valparaiso, Chile got me interested in the Southern Cone countries and I couldn't be more excited to finally be here. I'm from New York City, but am currently living in Saint Paul Minnesota, where I study International Studies, Anthropology and Political Science at Macalester College. I've been focusing my studies on identity politics and tourism, so living abroad in one of South America's most mixed and dynamic cities is perfect for me! I hope to continue to study identity politics and nation building in post conflict nations post graduation, but for now I keep busy with school, Model United Nations, watching movies, exploring new places, making DIY craft projects with my roomates and my job as the student photographer for Macalester.</span></p>