So earlier in the semester, I offered my take on neighborhoods in Granada with some help from the cast of Friends. As a follow up, I thought it would be fun to use the earnest thoughts of beloved, Michael Scott, from The Office to convey the range of emotions I experience here on a daily basis. Here's Michael's take on a day in my life in Granada.
When I wake up:
When I look outside my window and see that it’s raining:
Weaving my way through tourists on my morning run past the Alhambra:
Trying to weave through the crowds on Gran Via on my way to class:
When someone speaks to me in a super-strong granadino accent:
When Spanish people confuse me for every other nationality besides American:
When I go grocery shopping and wonder why the milk isn't refrigerated:
When I look at my bank account after a weekend trip:
When my favorite Reggaeton song comes on at the discoteca:
Trying to do homework on a Sunday when it’s sunny and 75 degrees outside:
When I see couples displaying excessive PDA on the street:
When I try to be sophisticated at a wine tasting workshop:
When I stop to take a picture on my walk to work or class:
How I feel when I get back to Granada after a weekend away:
And...how I feel at the end of most days:
Gelato date at Los Italianos, anyone? Hope you enjoyed this silly and brief, "Day in the Life." It's hard to believe that aren't too many days left! But luckily I still have plenty left to do on my "Granada bucket-list" before the year is through.

Emily Churchill
<p>Hola caracolas! My name is Emily and I'm studying abroad in Granada, Spain for the 2017-2018 academic year. I'm a Spanish and International Studies major who is always looking for new ways to connect with my beautiful host city. I love to sing, play guitar, act, and have embarked on the journey of writing a historical fiction novel about Granada! In my free time, I love to run and hike in the Sierra Nevada mountains, get lost in the Albaicin, and explore new cafes and tapas bars with my friends. This semester I hope to try my hand at Flamenco guitar, take more siestas, and make even deeper connections with the city and its people.</p>