5 Reasons to Study Abroad in Barcelona

Ellie Carter
July 17, 2021
Park Guell

My study abroad experience has been nothing short of amazing. I have had the best time in Barcelona and would not change my experience for the world. With that said, here are 5 reasons why you should study abroad in Barcelona, Spain!!!

1. Tapas! Tapas! Tapas!

Patatas Bravas. Shishito Peppers. Croquettes. These are just some of the amazing tapas you can get at almost any restaurant here in Barcelona. This has been my favorite meal to share with my friends because it is something everyone can agree on and never fails to wow us. More restaurant recs to come in a later blog post!

2. Walkability

Barcelona is literally a city where you can walk anywhere. I am able to get to school from my residence hall in less than 30 minutes which is amazing. Walking around gives you the opportunity to find cute little spots in the city and explore new neighborhoods. If you end up getting a little too far from home, the metro system in Barcelona is really easy to figure out and takes you almost anywhere you could imagine.

3. You get the best of both worlds…the ocean and the mountains

Barcelona is right on the Mediterranean sea and the city expands into the hills behind it. So if you are looking for a relaxing day at the beach you can walk down to the main beaches right in downtown BCN but also can take the train up or down the coast to get away a little bit. If you are not the biggest beach person the mountains right behind Barcelona are absolutely stunning and have great hikes. Last weekend I was able to do the Collserola hike in the morning and then end the night at the beach. You really do get the best of both worlds here.

4. The energy and vibe of Barcelona

This is a bit more of an intangible thing but it's probably one of my favorite things about Barcelona. There is an energy this city carries where you feel welcomed every time you leave the city for a weekend or go into a new neighborhood. Barcelona is always alive and there is always something new to do, see, or try. This something I was worried about when going abroad and I am truly lucky to have found a city where I feel comfortable and happy no matter where I go.

5. The weather

Barcelona is known for its temperate seasons being in the southern Mediterranean. Although I did come for the summer it has not been brutally hot and stays in the low- to mid-80s which I personally find perfect. I have had friends study abroad here during the spring semester and they found the winter to be pretty moderate and nothing unbearably cold. So no matter the season Barcelona is known not to be unbearably hot or cold and one reason I have loved living here.

Now, these are just my top five reasons for studying in Barcelona and I could go on for hours talking about how amazing my experience is and how much I truly love this city and never want to leave. So if you are looking for a reason to study abroad in Barcelona, here are five great ones!

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Ellie Carter

<p>Hey! My name is Ellie Carter, I am a senior in college studying media advertising and minoring in political science and Spanish at Indiana University. I am studying abroad on the Barcelona Summer - Language and Area Studies - Summer 2021 and am looking forward to all that I get to share with you about my time here. In my free time, I love cooking, spending time with my friends, and running. I am excited to explore the city through food and find hidden gems in Barcelona as well as other Spanish cities. I am excited to share my experience with you as a navigate studying abroad in Spain!</p>

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Indiana University
Alamo, CA
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