Hello friends!
After spending a few days without any internet or wifi it feels good to be back! As I mentioned in my last post, I just finished my travels throughout Cambodia and now I'm off to Vietnam. To start off, if you're planning on studying abroad in Aussie or just have an adventurous spirit, I would definitely travel to Cambodia & Vietnam. Although the flight was 16 hours to China and then 3 hours to Cambodia, don't let that stop you. To be honest, it wasn't even that bad. The plane had all the new movies out (Tarzan, the Jungle Book, etc.) and I actually slept for about 8 hours of it!
Anywaaaays, our first stop on this side of the world was Siem Reap, Cambodia. On the first day, we woke up to see the sunrise at the Angkor Wat temple. Since we didn't change our clocks & the time change is a little confusing (it's 11 hours ahead here) we actually woke up at 3am thinking it was 4am. After realizing our mistake, we were a tad cranky but the sunrise was definitely worth the early wake up call. There was a beautiful walkway that lead us to a pond in the front of the temple. The water was so clear that the sunrise behind the temple actually reflected in it. After a quick tour (I don't want to give you too much info incase you visit) we headed to our next temple. We started to call touring "temple time" because we just kept going from temple to temple. This temple was really fascinating because it is intertwined with tree roots. A few Hollywood movies have actually been filmed there! Because of our jet lag we headed back to the hotel to take naps. After we recharged, we headed into town to check out the local markets and grab an early dinner. I was extremely nervous about the food because I love my New York pizza & pasta but to my surprise it was unbelievably delicious. If you're ever in Siem Reap and need a place for dinner, definitely check out Chanrey Tree. My mom and I split (try to find the name) which was basically rice cakes with a mixed vegetable curry. I then got tofo and eggplant with a soy sauce sauce. All in all, the food was a 10/10!
On the second day we drove 45 min to a place called the "women's temple" which was built in the 10th century. It was a beautiful temple with extremely detailed carvings. It was definitely beautiful but there wasn't much history and it was 45 minutes away so I probably wouldn't recommend it. Next, we received blessings from Buddhas! This was definitely unique but seemed a little bit like a tourist scam. Tonight we will be heading to Vietnam so keep checking in & I'll keep ya posted!

Libby Deasy
<p>Hi! I’m Libby Deasy and this is my personal blog about the do’s & don’ts in Sydney, Australia. There is a first time for everything, so join me on my study abroad adventures in the life down under!</p>