If you're heading off on a study abroad program, you're probably already excited about all of the fun traveling you will be doing. Especially if you are participating in the EU program because it features a lot of travel time included in the program. However, to get there , you first have to make it to Germany and then to Freiburg. Your flight to Europe will most likely not only be your biggest trip expense but also your longest and most stressful. If you want to see what it's like to travel from America to Germany then whatch my video down below. The 3 main tips I would give you for traveling is to be 1. Early 2. Prepared and 3. Flexible to change.
Best wishes from Freiburg !
Check back next week for my 3rd video.

Destiny Green
<p>My name is Destiny! I am a Junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill aka "The University of National Champions" lol. I grew up in a multicultural African-American / German family as well as being a Military Brat. I think these two aspects influenced who I am today and I'm very grateful that I grew up in such a diverse family, as well as getting the opportunity to live all across different parts of the country. In my free time I enjoy photography, graphic design, listening to music, horseback riding, and spending time with family and friends (and my two dogs). Professionally, I aspire to be a Lawyer, focusing on some branch of International Law.</p>