Monday the 25th marked exactly one month that I’ve been in Santiago. Time has flown by, and I feel like I’m definitely settled in.
I am most excited to start traveling and getting out of Santiago for the weekend. Most of the other students have already taken at least one trip somewhere. I guess I’ve had the attitude that “I have four months to travel,” but a month has already gone by!
No worries though, this weekend is part of semana santa, which is a big travel weekend and trip are considerably more expensive. Next weekend I plan to go on Pucón trip with CAUC (the organization from La Catolica that arranges activities for extranjeros and Chilean students). Pucón is a city located south of Santiago that offers lots of great outdoorsy activities like hiking, white water rafting and horseback riding. However, that’s more of the Wikipedia definition- I’ll give a more personal description after my trip!
The week after Pucón, (April 10 -15) I’ve had a trip planned to go to Patagonia! I was able to find really cheap flights in Chilean pesos, and even though I was charged a fee for conversion it was way less than trying to purchase the tickets in American money. (I would highly recommend clearing your browsing history and cookies to have the prices available in Chilean money).
I’ve been day dreaming about these trips, which means I really need to focus and prepare all my school work for the next few weeks. Yikes!

Daranee Nasongkhla
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">As a native New Yorker and a student at the University of North Carolina I'm psyched to journey even further south to Santiago, Chile for the semester. I'm a junior and a Global studies major hoping to improve my Spanish and meet a whole bunch of awesome people! Also, I'm a huge tea drinker, so I'm ready to experience Chilean maté!</span></p>