Buenos Aires!
I came back from Buenos Aires last week, after being there for a week. Because Tuesday the 21st of May was a Chilean holiday, I was able to spend a whole week away from Santiago without missing much class at all. My mom flew in from New York and we met in Buenos Aires. We had plenty of time to explore a good amount of the city and the different neighborhoods, historical sites, museums, and restaurants. From Buenos Aires there are ferry rides to and from a town in Uruguay called Colonia de Sacramento. Because of how convenient it was, we were able to take a day trip and had a wonderful time exploring the historical essence of Colonia. It’s nice to be able to country hop in South America with short flights or even (not so short) bus rides- which is totally different than being in the US.
While in Buenos Aires, I naturally began to compare the city with Santiago. Buenos Aires looks very much like Manhattan, but with more parks and trees, and really pretty European architecture. There were very clear Italian influences in the food (which was delicious) as well as the strong Argentinian accent which was particularly noticeable after my time in Chile. Buenos Aires seemed much bigger, yet had less of the warmth I find in Chileans. Obviously I have some bias given that I’ve been in Chile much longer, but I’m really glad I was able to spend time in an additional city to be able to gain an acquaintance with an alternative place and make me appreciate the differences between Santiago and Buenos Aires.

Daranee Nasongkhla
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">As a native New Yorker and a student at the University of North Carolina I'm psyched to journey even further south to Santiago, Chile for the semester. I'm a junior and a Global studies major hoping to improve my Spanish and meet a whole bunch of awesome people! Also, I'm a huge tea drinker, so I'm ready to experience Chilean maté!</span></p>