In this essay I will explain how J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series has become a structural crutch within the allegorical storytelling of contemporary bloggers.
Remember when Harry Potter didn’t get his form signed by the Dursleys and he couldn’t go to Hogsmeade with his class? This may be a hyperbolic and self-pitying comparison, but that’s mostly how my weekend went. The IES Abroad program went to Chiloé and I decided to stay in Santiago. Aside from spending time in bed ruminating about how much easier social anxiety would be with an invisibility cloak, I’ve also made it to the studio to paint. The Oriente campus is dedicated to all of the art parts of La Católica, but most importantly the building looks exactly like Hogwarts. My comparisons end here.
What I have learned from liberal arts painting courses is that some unidentified professor up in the academic stratosphere really likes citational painting and has mandated that this work be a requirement in every university. It is my second time doing this project but at least I can work with contemporary artists now. For my citations, I’ve chosen Maria Lassnig and Christina Quarles, who’s work I saw at the Made In L.A. exhibit last year. I included a study of one of Lassnig’s self-portraits below (I forgot to mention this project is a self-portrait! eek.)
I’ve also been reading something about allegorical decay and post-dictatorship literature for class and I’m scared by how much of the text I don’t understand, although I am happy with my doodling on the back of the notebook.
It would appear that short blog posts are short.

Danika Odell
<p>Aside from art, I'm long-distance running fanatic. I live a short drive from Eugene, a name that has become synonymous with Tracktown USA. My family doesn't understand why I feel a deep emotional attachment to the old Hayward field stands currently under reconstruction. I don't either, really.</p>