On Sunday afternoon we landed in Dubrovnik Croatia, home of unesco protected old town, home to some of the most magnificent coastlines and crystal clear water, maybe most importantly home to the hit TV series game of thrones. Croatia has always been one of those fairytale destinations for me so it's a dream come true to be able spend my week here.

Cristian Gutierrez
<p>Born and raised under the bright lights of Chicago, I was under the influence that I had seen it all. After my first trip abroad I was hooked, and I realized I couldn’t of been more wrong. With a thirst for adventure I’ve set out to explore the unknown during my summers off from school. My travels have taken me from ancient pyramids in Mexico to remote rainforests in Costa Rica, and now Spain is next up on the destination list. I can’t wait for my time abroad and here I plan to document all valuable experiences and insights about my journey in Spain. Hala Madrid! </p>