As part of our first IES sponsored trip, all Madrid students were treated to a day trip to one of Madrid’s most historical cities being Segovia. The day started bright early with buses departing Madrid promptly at 7:30 am. I made sure to have my bag packed the night before to assure nothing would be forgotten, most especially my trusted camera. I had a long night the night before so I skipped the scenic bus route and decided to catch up on some sleep on the 2-hour trip.
Upon arriving in Segovia, what immediately stuck out was the snow and significantly colder weather than what I have been experiencing in Madrid. We started the morning with a tour of a small church located at the base of the city. What stuck out to me the most about this church was the cross out front sitting on a base of stones. It added a somewhat eerie feeling to the gloomy day and personally humbled me to realize I’m so incredibly lucky to be experiencing all of this.
After the church, our tour guide led us along the strenuous uphill trek to the city castle. Needless to say the castle left me, including many others speechless. The architecture was beautiful and the detail within the walls was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Next on the tour was the most famous structure in Segovia, known as the Aqueduct. I didn’t know what to expect as I have only seen pictures, but as I was walking one of the rock paved streets the massive structure slowly started to appear. This was by far the most impressive scenery I saw while in Segovia. Groups were given time to explore the surrounding area, with a few individuals deciding to make the climb up the Aqueduct to see the city from above.
At the top, I felt contempt and peace of mind. Something that I feel will become a common theme in my study abroad experience. Segovia was a charming town and somewhere I would definitely go back in the future when the weather is nicer. I appreciate IES planning such a wonderful trip and I can’t wait until the next one in Granada.

Cristian Gutierrez
<p>Born and raised under the bright lights of Chicago, I was under the influence that I had seen it all. After my first trip abroad I was hooked, and I realized I couldn’t of been more wrong. With a thirst for adventure I’ve set out to explore the unknown during my summers off from school. My travels have taken me from ancient pyramids in Mexico to remote rainforests in Costa Rica, and now Spain is next up on the destination list. I can’t wait for my time abroad and here I plan to document all valuable experiences and insights about my journey in Spain. Hala Madrid! </p>