Kia Ora,
I have been working on a new poem, clearly influenced heavily by Walt Whitman. Working an homage toward the greatest free verse poet ever is quite the task. But I have been trying and I felt I could share what I have so far. Work in progress, but I think I can see where it’s going. Ironically, I wrote this after watching a pulp horror French film, but hey, inspiration hits when it hits. I hope you enjoy.
Beauty in Form
The chest, full
A barrel to rest a weary head!
The fingers and hands
Pulsing with veins
Blood coursing at the days hard labour
The arms wide
Long, made to embrace
And to envelope completely
Is the male form
Splendor, God’s own image
Beauty in the beard!
In the hair in all crevice
To make warm a cold day
And to make well
A wet cheek
And an equally moist heart
But do not forget
The mother
The kind heart of the gentle hand
The beauty
In the bosom that fed you
And kept you when you were alone
The hands that cradled your face
And wiped away the pains
From the fluorescent halls
The beauty
Of the eyes
That may never know, but may always try
And the wonderful beauty
Of the lips
The curve so wonderfully
That fill and swell
That fade every rose
And every memory
Of every rose
May we never forget the beauty
May the stigma be lifted
I feel no jacket
No heckler constraint
Why must you gaze
At one beauty
And claim it has value over another?
Beauty is intrinsic
You are beautiful
And poetry is only beautiful because you (you, dear reader) read it
Beauty is born
When you are born
But it does not die
It can not be cheapened
By man, for man
Has only the capacity to fortify beauty!
Everything is beauty!
The ships in the harbor and the cars on the lane
The animals in the skies and the oceans
The machines and the screens
And you and me
Especially you
Worship the body
Worship the mind
And worship the beauty
That you yourself birthed
And conceived
And love
August 26, 2014
Auckland, New Zealand

Clayton Kovich
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Clayton Kovich and I am a Junior at Purdue University in Indiana. I am studying Psychology with a focus on criminal behavior, hoping to aid in the growing industry of rehabilitation. I am from Michigan originally, but having moved many times growing up I have developed a fondness for travel, leading me to this adventure to New Zealand. I love poetry and music, and I look forward to the inspiration and insight this experience will provide me, and hope to use my talents to bring a piece of that experience home for others to enjoy as well.</span></p>