All I have to say for myself is that, yes, I am ashamed of using the word "fun" as an end rhyme, and no, I'm not going to fix it. I don't have time for that. I got stuff to do. I haven't even started packing yet. I need to vacuum the cat hair out of my suitcase.
Let’s go way back to March, see my plane touching down
I went to study abroad but I picked the wrong town
I’m not one to go clubbing, I really hate beer,
I’m a dang English major—what am I doing here?
See me riding to class: in my head I’m making lists
Of the things that I’ve left, and the things that I miss
Like, having conversations without the language gap
Finding my house without needing a map
Like, grocery shopping without all the stress
Every aspect of life felt like some kind of test
But something weird happened—the world continued to spin
Now I’ve only got a few more days left in Berlin
I somehow survived, I had a lot of fun
Can’t believe it’s almost over, but it’s been a great run
So here’s to Döner, graffiti, unexpected nude beaches
White people with dreadlocks and dogs without leashes
The weekend-night Bahns with all the passengers hammered
All the “he”s I called “she” ‘cause I messed up my grammar
To the towers, the churches, the constant construction,
To my guest family's cats, who won’t follow instructions
No matter what language you yell at them in
Here’s to Germany, here’s to Berlin
Spaghetti ice cream and thrift store acquisitions
Bilingual puns and street corner musicians
To the times I misspoke or my language was forced:
“I am a students. I would like this check divorced.”
To the flags that appeared in the windows of bars
On apartments, on shops, on the mirrors of cars,
Then disappeared overnight when the team didn’t win
(June was a weird month for Berlin)
Here’s to Bio, to Limo, to loud demonstrations
Rhubarb-flavored soda and public transportation
To bicycles, bakeries, weird German cheese,
And the public advertisements about testing STDs
To the shops selling [fill in the blank with a noun]
That transform into bars when the sun goes down
To flea markets and concerts, to the places I’ve been
Here’s to Germany, here’s to Berlin
To those on their way here, and those yet to come
Pack up your bags and prepare to look dumb
Pirate your music before you arrive
Take a deep breath, and I swear you’ll survive
Download a map and give it a trial
When you’re in doubt, just say “bitte?” and smile
Take pictures, take notes, get lost and explore
Try something new—that’s what Berlin’s for
I hope that you’ll thrive, that you’ll grow, that you’ll learn
I know I’m glad I came, and I hope to return

Clarissa Grunwald
<p>Writer, composer, musician. American student with a terrible sense of direction set loose on Germany. After years of telling people that I love to travel, this is my first time actually leaving the country.</p>