A great part of living in Rondebosch is being in close proximity to a lot of different parts of the great Mother City, but nothing has been as stimulating as walking to Stormers Stadium. Disclaimer: I know nothing about rugby, and my football knowledge is limited.
Like many aspects of travel the best part of any experience is part-taking in the cultural activity like a local. The locals love rugby. Moreover, the locals love being rugby fans. The act of being a fan includes massive tailgating, followed by walking in huge crowds from the tailgating fields down to the stadium cheering the whole way. Funneling into the stadium is similar to getting into the Holland tunnel, hundreds of eager people going through 3 security guards. Once inside it was very similar to being at any other big sporting event, but with really avid fans. Rugby is like American football, but no one wears helmets, the plays seem to never stop, and you can only move forward by passing back. And, of course the Stormer’s won!

Christina Smiros
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<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi All! My name is Christina and I am thrilled to be in Cape Town. Originally from Long Island, I study Neuroscience and Studio Arts at the University of Rochester. With a life long passion for photography and medicine I am delighted to be documenting my experience in South Africa through a Public Health lens, but don't be surprised if there is also a lot of pictures of food, people and tourist-y things.</span></div>