Here is a poem that basically sums up, in all its touristy glory, that “Honeymoon period” I’ve been experiencing these past couple weeks. It’s to the tune of Under The Sea from the Little Mermaid, so you’ll probably get more out of it if you keep the song in mind.
Across the Pond
The US is quite a nation
The home of the brave and free
A symbol of innovation
But that’s not my cup of tea
I like apple pie and baseball
And all that, but even so
When I’m craving chips and meat pies
There’s one place I want to go:
Across the pond! Across the pond!
I’m set for cricket,
Give me my ticket,
Baby, I’m gone!
Bein’ here sets my face aglow
England, you had me from “’Ello!”
Nobody gets
It right like the Brits, here
Across the pond!
The traffic is downright fright’ning
It rains like you won’t believe
But folks here are so inviting
You won’t ever want to leave
The cities are rich in culture
The roads full of history
Cathedrals and royal structures
Yeah, that’s where I want to be!
Across the pond! Across the pond!
I’ll buy a lotta
Cool Harry Potter
Replica wands!
If you’re a fan of Doctor Who
Across the pond’s the place for you
Plus Downton Abbey
Isn’t too shabby
Across the pond!
Across the pond!
So much to see
From London to Leeds
To Stonehenge beyond!
Driving through Camden can’t be beat
Cruising the left side of the street
Sit back, relax, and
Soak in the accents
Across the pond!
The Queen isn’t seen
The guard’s working hard
We cheer as we near
The home of the bard.
We slip in for chips
And grub at the pub
Then go see a West End show
We strode Abbey Road
We fly by the Eye
Big Ben’s striking ten
As we’re passing by.
We stop for a smidge,
Upon Tower Bridge
And so many sights to go!
Across the pond! Across the pond!
Of the cool air
And fog, I declare,
I’m really quite fond!
Now that I’ve seen the Union Jack,
Brother, I never want to go back!
I’d love to stay here
In the UK here
Across the pond!
Chill by the lakes here
Brush up on Shakespeare
Across the pond!
Sit back with tea here
Watch BBC here
I’m truly smitten
Here in Great Britain
Here comes a lanky
Touristy Yankee
Across the pond!

Chase Wheaton-Werle
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Chase Wheaton-Werle. I'm a musical theatre major from the University of Tulsa. Outside of my major, I enjoy creative writing and poetry. In the fall of 2013 I'm attending Mountview Academy for the Theatre Arts. This will be my first experience out of the country, and as someone with a passion for theatre and British culture, I couldn't ask for a better destination. I hope this blog can provide not only some insight to the intensive curriculum of an actor in the theatre center of the world, but also some good chuckles.</span></p>