This video is me spending some time in France with my family just before the IES Abroad Amsterdam program. I spent about a month there before heading over to the Netherlands. While there I mainly stayed in Paris and Dijon, France. I did some amazing exploring and sightseeing in both places. I was able to check out famous French landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Norte Dame, Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre, Moulin Rouge, the Louvre, and much more! I got the chance to eat some amazing food and delicious desserts! In Dijon, I was able to have a little down time for myself in a less busy town. Though Paris was great, I think I enjoyed the friendly folks of Dijon a bit more than the hurried lives of the people of Paris. I'm glad I got to go to France and spend time with my family there before going off alone in Amsterdam. It was a good way to help me transition into European life, so I didn't have to do it all alone. Though I didn't see Remy from Ratatouille in Paris, I still had an amazing time enjoying all that France had to offer!

Ceci Cornejo
<p>My name is Ceci, I'm originally from Dubuque, IA. My favorite thing to do is watch movies/ TV shows and write reviews for them. I am a sociology major and film minor and hope to do something in the future with both! I also love to ice skate and cook food with my friends. Fun fact about me I am only 5 feet tall!</p>