It's Only Rock And Roll But I Like It

Caroline Hickey
October 12, 2017

On my second weekend in the UK I went on the IES Abroad field trip to Stonehenge and Bath. I love how much hype there is for a group of rocks that's survived 5000 years. Friends from home told me to enquire about the theories on aliens and Stonehenge. Apparently around Stonehenge is where the most UFO sightings are in England! In my humble opinion though, Stonehenge was definitely built by humans. Why? People were definitely equally weird in 3000 BCE when Stonehenge was built as we are today.  It's so quirky and seems like its main purpose is for social gatherings and community signifigance (i.e. the burial mounds). 

What really inspired me for these photos was how fluid the rocks were together. They're all just big hunks of stone, but the way they were cut down and placed made it feel like they were meant to fit together. I also loved the way they took up space. All around the stones is fields on fields and sky on sky. Stonehenge cuts right into the horizon and almost forms this puzzle between them. In my photos I played with the space between these elements. I loved one of the photos where the rocks become negative space and you can see the sky shine right through them. I used this in one of my doodles to show how Stonehenge and the land come together as one. In my other drawing I was inspired by the textures of the rocks and showed that by using color. I drew some of the rock formations that I liked the most. In some of the photos you can see the clouds mimicking the texture of the rocks. 

Overall, I think Stonehenge is worth the trip. It's understandable that tourists can no longer wander within the monument but I wish I could because then I could really see the scale and details put into it. 

PS here's a playlist I put together of songs that had to do with stones and I felt matched the mood of Stonehenge! Give it a listen while looking at the photos! 

Caroline Hickey

<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">My name is Caroline and I go to school at Knox College and am from Alexandria, VA. I'm vice-president of book club, run on the track team, and and in the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma. I self designed my major in Middle East and North African Studies with two minors in Studio Art and Anthropology/Sociology. I love to paint and take photos! One of my favorite places on Earth is the Sahara desert, and where I took one of my favorite photos, of camels!<span style="text-autospace:none"><span style="font-size:16.0pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Times&quot;,serif"> </span></span></span></p>

Home University:
Knox College
Alexandria, VA
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