Home: Life After Paris

Caitlin Hartley
July 16, 2013

I am back.

I canā€™t believe how fast it all went. As you can tell, I didnt even get a chance to write much the last two weeks I was in Paris. With school and trying to cram as much as posisble into my finals days in France, updating my blog just wasnā€™t an option. So, sadly, Iā€™m back now, writing away.

Now, donā€™t get me wrong, I am so happy to be home. I missed the Sunshine state. I my friends and my family. I was so happy when I got home. However, I was very sad to leave. I was sad to leave my IES friends, and I was even more sad to leave this magical city that I fell in love with. I definitely want to come back some day. I donā€™t know if I would ever want to live there, but I do believe there is no other city like Paris. This trip has made me want to see more. I want to keep looking, and find out what other places this world has to offer. As of right now, all I really know is Florida and Paris. What else is out there? Now, I really want to know, thanks to studying abroad.

Of course there were positives and negatives. I wish my living situation had been different. Some people just get lucky with their host families. I wish I hadnā€™t become so homesick in the beginning. And I wish some of the people I met were warmer. However, I do not regret it one bit. Because while there were things I wish were different about my trip to France, I wouldnā€™t have given it up for the world. I am so happy I decided to go to Paris. My not-so-great host mom taught me how to not let things get to me. If one thing goes wrong, that doesnā€™t mean your day is ruined. Iā€™ve really learned how to just keep looking for the positives, and I love that about myself now.

I never understood the importance of traveling until making this decision to go to Paris. I just feel like I learned so much in such a short period of time, and Iā€™m not just talking about my skills with the French language (because I did become exponentially better with my speaking/understanding abilities). I am also referring to just my own personal growth and self discovery. I might not know what it takes to be an full adult yet, with the responsbilities of raising a family, but I do think I have matured, and realized there is much more important things in my life. I donā€™t NEED anybody else to be successful or to enjoy my life. I am okay with being by myself. And if things donā€™t go the way I initially expected, so what? Itā€™s probably for the best. And if I make mistakesā€¦great. Iā€™ve learned what Iā€™ve done wrong, and will make it better, somehow. I know what youā€™re thinkingā€¦How can just a mere six weeks in Paris teach me all that? Well, I have no idea either. I just feel so lucky that I was able to learn all this and live in one of the most amazing cities in the world. And now, Iā€™m just hungry for more. So, merci beaucoup Paris!

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Caitlin Hartley

<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Caitlin, and I&#39;m 20 years old, but I will turn 21 this June (when I&#39;ll be in Paris)! I&#39;m super stoked about my trip this summer. I&#39;m a journalism major at the University of Florida and I&#39;m attaining my minor in French Language. I am hoping this trip will really advance my growth in the speaking aspect of the language. I love love love sports. I grew up going to football games with my family. Go Gators! This will be my first trip out of the U.S., but I&#39;ve never been so excited for something in my entire life. I love writing and eating, and I know this will be a great opportunity for me. I hope you will enjoy my blog!</span></div>

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