The week before departure.
The countdown until I arrive in London is growing smaller and smaller. My body is overwhelmed with curiosity about what this new chapter of my life has to offer. With the last-minute packing, planning, and chaos, it is becoming more real in the fact that I am about to make the move that will take me roughly 3,567 miles from home.
Now, this is my first time going to Europe, so if you are like me, the excitement is taking over my body! I cannot seem to get the smile off of my face. Dreaming about all of the new places I will explore, food I will eat, and people I will meet, makes me think about how exciting studying abroad is for a student. My idea of London makes my excitement continue to grow, and soon I will be able to be submerged into the city completely.
London has always been a dream location of mine to visit, so being able to have this opportunity to travel there will be an experience of a lifetime.
With the excitement that comes with preparing to go abroad, also comes some nerves. Nerves are natural and an important part of the experience, I believe. My nerves come in different forms. Some days I find my nerves make me procrastinate on my packing, make me doubt my ability to travel abroad, and even feel like I am not in control of my study abroad preparation lists.
I have been working on shifting my nerves into more positive energies. Lately, I have found myself visualizing all of the success I know studying abroad will bring me instead of letting my nerves take over.
I have been finding myself avoiding one of the hardest parts of studying abroad. The goodbyes. My family, including my fur family, and friends are such a big part of my life that saying goodbye is always difficult.
I know that my family is my biggest supporter and I appreciate everything they do for me, so why is saying goodbye so hard? I know I will see them again and come back home eventually, so this should be easy, yet I still have not gotten myself to the point of saying goodbye just yet.
It is scary to leave behind the sense of security my family brings to my life, so entering into the unknowns that studying abroad will bring can be hard. I know that the change of being away from my family will be different, but it will also lead to self-growth, opportunities, and adventures.
Slowly, I have started to say goodbye to my friends. As far as saying goodbye to my family, well I think I may push that off until closer to my departure date. I know I should not be saying that, but can you blame me? Maybe I will just start by taking the baby step of saying not just goodbye, but see you soon to my hometown and saying hello to my new home in London.

Bridget Terranova
<p>Hi, I am Bridget Terranova, a senior majoring in Global Cultural Studies with minors in Social Media and Modern Languages from Point Park University located in Pittsburgh! Traveling has always been an interest of mine, along with others such as music, soccer, and painting. I cannot wait to explore all of London (hopefully more of Europe too) and see what other adventures await for me around the world. To quote one of my favorite movies, Mamma Mia: Here We go Again, "Life is short, the world is wide. I want to make some memories" -Young Donna.</p>