In the spirit of continuing with my bucket list of things to do before I leave Australia, I finally went INSIDE the Sydney Opera House for the ballet, La Bayadere (The Temple Dancer in french). I am a major fan of the arts in all forms so was very excited to finally see a ballet (and in the world renowned Sydney Opera House at that). The Opera House is incredibly spacious and ornately decorated. Even walking the halls of the Opera House was a beautiful experience and the show just added to it. The ballet takes place in India and tells a story of forbidden love with a very unique twist. The costumes were really colorful and detailed as well as the sets. An Indian ballet was very unique and great on the eyes. The dancers were AMAZING and so skilled. While the ballet ran pretty long (about 2.5-3 hours), I enjoyed EVERY second of it.

The Ballet!

Brea Baker
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Brea Baker and I'm a junior at Yale University (Boola Boola!). I'm obsessed with all things related to travel, sushi, Beyonce, activism and Scandal. Freshman year I was bitten by the travel bug and I've been traveling ever since. Follow me on the next journey of my life to the great outback, Australia, where I hope to find nemo, pick up an Australian accent, and become a world class surfer.</span></p>