My friends have been in school for 4 to 6 weeks, and I still have two more to go before I start classes. BUT I am finally on my way to Australia! It’s been a loooong wait.
As I sit in the airport ready to board, I wonder if I can get any of my planemates to teach me some yoga during the fifteen-hour flight. I figure it will keep my legs from molding to the seat and it’s a relatively contained activity—potentially suitable for the aisles. We’ll see what the flight attendants have to say about it.
Packing took far longer than I expected, possibly because I decided it would be a great time to clean out my entire wardrobe, but most likely it simply takes time to think through your possible needs. Trying to heed the advice of past travelers, when in doubt I left something behind. I managed to have plenty of room and poundage remaining once I had packed so I didn’t worry too much about some extra tank tops and another pair of shoes.
I tried to limit my expectations to practical things (what to pack for the weather, etc), not because I don’t expect great things, but because I want to be absolutely open to my new experiences, untainted by any preconceptions. As much as possible, that is—Australia certainly has its icons. Upwards of thirty people asked me to bring them back a marsupial. Kangaroos were the most popular requests, closely followed by koalas (Dear Australia, I will not steal your wildlife). Pictures will have to suffice.
I have been nervous at times over these past weeks, but last night I reached peak calm. Take me away, Australia!

Bailey Gilmore
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Bailey is a comparative politics major at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. Her academic interests stretch across the social sciences, from history to geography to criminology, and, of course, to politics. Originally from Eugene, Oregon, Bailey is an devoted ultimate frisbee player and can't wait for Australian Rules Ultimate. When she's not on the field or nerding out about population growth in various countries, you can find her singing along to the best of the '60s and '70s and/or working to capture life, place, and person on camera. She is ready and eager to dive into life at a big university in a big city, all in the wonder Down Under.</span></p>