My parents called me a social butterfly, and I hated it. I was seeking to be a cool mysterious person who doesn’t talk or approach anybody in middle school and a fair portion of high school. The school I go to is called Denison University, it is a small liberal arts college in Ohio. In the bubble of about two thousand kids, most of the people would know you through a class, mutual friends, or a shared passion. I never focused on this attribute of mine for the time being.
When I came to Milan and started experiencing city life, I realized how social I am. The interactions I have with locals are the best memories I have made so far. My hometown is India, and bargaining with vendors on the street, or asking for a discount is super common. I was raised to bargain with my mom when I was 8. I think it’s a fun thing to do, a way to get to know the vendor’s nature and how they respond to certain things you say. And you learn more about the location by getting a sense of the price range in the area to avoid getting scammed. All of my friends are shy when it comes to this and would pay what they ask for, but one of my other friends shares a similar trait of being super friendly and talking to locals whenever she gets a chance.
In Venice with my friend Lilah, we had a conversation with this middle-aged couple who had a huge white furry dog. One of them was from Venice and they were visiting their parents. We learned more about the frequency of public transport through them. I had a conversation with a Bangladeshi shopkeeper in Venice about how they live a few minutes away from Venice in this city where groceries and housing are available at an affordable price and how he commutes to work. Some meetings are more fun, like during night outs. Lilah and I were having drinks at this bar called Bacaro Jazz. It has very cool decorations with bras hanging from the ceiling, but it was a little disappointing to see when they did not play any Jazz music. These two gentlemen decided to sit at a table next to us and started talking. It was the most random conversation that went on for about an hour and we had shots together.
I also love solo traveling, so I decided to go to Florence by myself. It is a perfect destination because it is not too far from Milan, it is a smaller city, and very walkable. I was staying in a hostel with 5 other roommates. I met these two guys who study in France and ended up hanging out with them! During my sightseeing the next day, I was sitting at a random spot trying to gain back my energy to walk. I saw these two people talking about Florence and it’s slow-paced life, as much as I wanted to look like a normal human chilling, my extroverted self hopped in and asked if they were from Florence when I knew the obvious answer. Turned out, they work in a store that makes high-end suits in Florence, and one guy came from Russia while the other one was from a small town in France. The conversation I had with them about fashion for almost an hour was one of the best conversations ever because I love fashion, and they surely did!
Studying abroad is about getting out of your comfort zone, and trying something new. I approach things this way—I’m never coming here anytime soon, never seeing these people again. If I’m to regret it, I might as well try and regret it instead of the other way around. Also, hostels and public spaces are the best locations for having a small talk or making a friend to learn something new about the place. The kindness of a stranger can be super nice when you are lost too. Hope this helps!

Astha Dave
Hi there! I'm Astha Dave, from Denison University majoring in Psychology and Journalism. If you ever need a dance partner, don't hesitate to reach out to me, I love hip-hop, salsa, and bollywood dance :)