With the sakura come and gone, the Japanese students have returned to campus. For some strange reason, I cannot really remember the campus being so crowded in comparison to last semester. Nonetheless, it has been really exciting seeing friends from N-Crew (the dance club I joined last semester) and having the opportunity to talk to and meet new Japanese students.
Every semester, CJS hosts a Festa or an event where Japanese students get to come and talk to us foreign students. It is mandatory for CJS students to attend, as it counts toward our grades, but it is a great way to branch out and make Japanese friends. This semester’s Festa was actually very fun, probably because none of us have really had the chance to talk to the Japanese students in the last two months. But, as fun as it was, it was also a reminder that we all only have about a month left before our program ends. Time seems to be going by so fast and I feel so busy because of final papers and exams are closing in.
What makes it worse is that even though it is April, the weather has been really cold and rainy over the last 2 weeks. I am ready to start wearing all of my summer clothes, but I do not know if I’m ready to get rid of all the sweaters I bought for winter in Japan (I never wear sweaters in California). I still have so much that I want to do, including going to conveyor belt sushi, trying out the next flavor Starbucks will be putting out, and another trip to Tokyo. The end is almost near, so lets live it up!

Ashley Bell
<p>Hi, my name is Ashley Bell and I am a Junior Political Science major at Santa Clara University. I'll be spending my spring semester in Nagoya, Japan and am very excited to share my experiences with you. I hope you enjoy seeing Japan through my eyes!</p>