It has officially been more than a week since the start of my classes at the university of Salamanca as well as conversation class through IES. I am amazed at the variety of diversity of my classes as well as the patience of the professors. Though the classes are nothing like my home college, Sarah Lawrence, due to the emphasis on grammar and sentence structures. Every day I am slowly filling in the gaps of my Spanish education. On the topic of navigation, Salamanca’s small center allows one to get acclimated quite quickly while the app CityMaps2Go saves me when I become absurdly lost. Not using cellular data or Wi-Fi, this app shows you where you are in relation to important buildings and streets.
Watching my fellow classmates also get lost has helped me to become more comfortable with the simple idea that getting lost can be equally as pleasurable, allowing you to explore areas you would not have seen otherwise. The staff of IES has also been endlessly patient, even to the extent of showing me where my classes would be before school started. The IES building is a home base for many of my friends who need a welcoming place with excellent Wi-Fi to rest between breaks.
At the end of the day, Salamanca has taught me the value of taking my time. Coming from the hustle and bustle of New York, the relaxed way of life found here really makes me feel like no matter how rigorous the academics are here, I still feel as if I’m on vacation.

Ariela Brody
<p>I am a rising senior at Sarah Lawrence College, double-majoring in Spanish and Journalism. When I'm not studying, I love practicing Jiu Jitsu and cooking in my tiny kitchen. As a Puerto Rican Jew, I love cooking everything, from my great grandmother's noodle kugel to my mom's tostones. My dream is to travel to every continent and as of right now, I have been to more than fifteen different countries.</p>