Well I made it everyone! I’ve cried a lot (homesickness and anxiety are a tough combo to combat especially at the beginning of experiences like this), but I have managed to keep my eyes open to what is around me. I am excited to show you all a glimpse of all the things I saw in my first few weeks here in Paris. From just a little way into the airport, to my new home, and beyond, this is what Paris looks like to me.
I firmly believe that there is so so SO much more to see around me and I am 100% positive that I missed a lot my first week here. However, I’m just getting started. I’ll be here for about 3 more months. I have time to look around, see what there is to see, and hopefully catch what I missed when I first arrived. I will also be traveling while I’m abroad. I’ll be going to different towns in France on IES Abroad excursions as well as visiting friends of mine who are also studying abroad in countries like Spain, England, and Scotland. Things are just getting started and it’s kind of overwhelming to be perfectly honest. But I think given a bit more time I will adjust and be able to enjoy the experience more and see everything I can with more tranquility and joy.

Anne Coughenour
<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">I am the younger of two and the only one to study abroad. I have never had a bloody nose and I am immensely proud of that. I have always been very creative and am very excited to study abroad!<span style="text-autospace:none"><span style="font-size:16.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Times",serif"> </span></span></span></p>