We are really getting into the homestretch now! I have three weeks left and man do I feel the pressure! Things are still happening right and left and I am trying my best to keep it all in my head at least long enough to snap a photo and remember the story to be able to share with you all here.
We had another program excursion to Reims (pronounced with far more phlegm than you would ever think is necessary). It was the final excursion of the semester. We got to see the cathedral of Notre Dame de Reims which is where all the French kings were coronated. We also had a pseudo Thanksgiving dinner, put on for us students by the IES administration. I was unable to go, but it’s okay because the reason for my absence was that my parents were visiting! It was so unbelievably good to see them. We had a great time together, despite receiving a lot of bad news which they were here. Both of my mom’s parents died over the course of the week of their visit. Both were old and sick, but it still hurts to lose much loved family members especially while so far away.
Hopefully things look up for me soon as I finish off the semester. Only one way to find out. Allons-y!

Anne Coughenour
<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">I am the younger of two and the only one to study abroad. I have never had a bloody nose and I am immensely proud of that. I have always been very creative and am very excited to study abroad!<span style="text-autospace:none"><span style="font-size:16.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Times",serif"> </span></span></span></p>