Wow, I’m almost done. Two more weeks. One of classes and one that is half my classes then exams. Then I’m on my way home. It’s hard to wrap my mind around. We’re in the time of final projects and wrapping everything up before exams. It feels like it was just yesterday that we were taking midterms and looking forward to going on fall break. Now we’re about to take our finals and are looking forward to doing Christmas at home with out families.I am keeping very busy beyond just the academic madness that always happens with this time of the semester. I planned most of my traveling for these last three weeks of the year. In the course of one weekend I visited both Geneva, Switzerland with another student in the program and also visited my best friend where she is studying abroad in Granada, Spain. After about 8 hours in the airport (never doing that again) and lots of traveling and exploring, I’m happy with all I did this weekend. Hopefully my feet stop hurting soon! Regardless, on I go. Next weekend I’m headed to Italy and of course I need to study for finals and pack to go home! Allons-y!

Anne Coughenour
<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">I am the younger of two and the only one to study abroad. I have never had a bloody nose and I am immensely proud of that. I have always been very creative and am very excited to study abroad!<span style="text-autospace:none"><span style="font-size:16.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Times",serif"> </span></span></span></p>