Hello All!
This is my first blog being written as a correspondent for the Paris French Studies program for the upcoming semester, fall of 2017. I am thrilled (and terrified, very very terrified) for this new adventure coming up in my life. While I am in Paris I will document my adventures through this blog, sharing my experience in classes, everyday life, homestay, travel, and whatever else happens to come my way.
Before it all begins (as I don't fly out until the 3rd of September), I might as well let you all get to know me. I am the younger of two children in my family. My older brother has a three-year advantage on me. He recently moved out, but I still live with my parents in Michigan when I am not attending school in Iowa. This will not be my first time in Europe as i have been to Italy with family and recently the choir I am involved in at school went to Austria and Germany as a part of a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the school's study abroad program to Vienna. I can't wait to get back to Europe.
I am a Psychology and French double major with a possible Theatre minor. As stated before I am involved in choir, as well as my school's improv club and music honor society. On campus, I work in the theatre as well as in the library as a writing/subject tutor. One of the subject I tutor for is indeed French. My career goal is to go to graduate school once I get my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and become a clinical psychologist. This would make me the person who one would go to for therapy. I actively want to help people with my future career and I think this is a good route to do it. I have seriously considered becoming a therapist for the military to help veterans readjust to civilian life and better deal with their experience in service and in combat.
I am currently in a relationship. His name is Josh and he and I are from the same hometown. At this point we’ve been together for over 7 months. He goes to school back in Michigan. This makes it so we are used to long distance, but this will be the first time that there is a major time zone difference as well. Luckily we have technology on our side, so we will still be able to communicate for the 4 short months that I will be in Paris.
I am lucky enough to have my best friend studying in Spain while I’m in France. I plan to visit her and have her visit me before we both head home.
All in all, my main goal for this adventure is to learn a lot and become less scared of doing things like this on my own. As they say in France, Allons-y!

Anne Coughenour
<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">I am the younger of two and the only one to study abroad. I have never had a bloody nose and I am immensely proud of that. I have always been very creative and am very excited to study abroad!<span style="text-autospace:none"><span style="font-size:16.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Times",serif"> </span></span></span></p>