I’m a firm believer in independent travel. Not that I have had much experience with it, but it definitely seems like the type of travel I’d be into simply because you can go at your own pace in your own time. Today a lot of our group decided to get on a train to Zurich and spend the weekend there and some of us stayed in town – I was one of those that stayed. Seeing as it’s my first weekend in Freiburg, I felt like I needed to explore on my own. I wanted to find out new places to eat and new things to do, especially since the majority of my time in Europe will be spent here. I like to do what the locals do, to me, that’s what traveling is all about. Finding yourself some where else…. And I know I can’t do that if I’m constantly city hopping.
Today was Saturday and I finally forced myself out of bed around 2pm (I was up until 4am to be fair…), I decided I would spend the day doing what I love most – taking pictures and exploring! I’d heard great things about the Dreisam River and figured that is where I’d start my day. Armed with my camera and minimal directions to the Dreisam, I headed off. After meandering around the river, I found myself in the district of Weihre at an old and beautiful church (kirche in German). For awhile I thought it was the Münster, but quickly realized it was completely different and after about 20 minutes of circling the chuch, I finally found information about it inside where the organs were playing music. Then I decided to head back to the Altstadt (Old City) since I could see it from Johanneskirche (The Church of St. Johann). Once there, I wasn’t totally lost, but rather got to find new ways to avoid crowded areas and get to the Münster quickly (now that I could see it clearly from Altstadt.) The Münsterplatz (large area outside of the Münster) was crowded as a festival was taking place. I stopped here for a quick bite to eat at one of the Wurst stands. It was slightly spicy, but delicious nonetheless and was probably the best Wurst I’ve had in Germany so far!
After all these travels, I decided I would stop by the electronics store to pick up my phone (we’re required to have a local number in case of emergencies) then head back home, but I was in no rush and ended up on the wrong side of town (hence the title…). It didn’t take me too long to realize where I was and how to get back. I know it won’t be the last time I get lost here, but getting lost is half the fun (:
Enjoy the pictures of this beautiful city below!

Alzebeth Roman
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<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Alzebeth Roman and I am currently a Senior at North Carolina State University in Raleigh studying Accounting with minors in International Studies and Political Science. This summer, I will be studying abroad in Freiburg, Germany learning about the politics of the EU and its' neighbors. This is only my second time traveling out of the United States and my first time in Europe. In my spare time, I love service, reading, swimming, dancing, napping, and writing which I plan to do in my free time while abroad!</span></div>