Hey y'all!
A couple weeks ago, I talked about how things are genuinely starting to not suck here. The streak continues!! It's crazy to think I went from being so ridiculously miserable to actually enjoying my time here.
Last week, my program took us on a Field Study Trip to Marseille. It was about a 3-hour road trip, not that it matters cause I literally slept through the whole thing. Well we get there, and I immediately notice that the city is...interesting. Lawless, if you will. Apparently, that's Marseille's reputation. The Lawless City. And let me tell you, it lives up to its name. The people there were just different, man. The city had this kind of rowdiness to it that you can feel no matter what time of the day it is. Well aside from seeing museums and farms and all that fun stuff, the best part of the trip was that I really felt myself breaking out of my shell! Me!! I really felt the shyness stripping away. If y’all read my first post, you know I’m here with one of my friends from my home university, Allen. Btw, Allen, if you’re reading this you’re literally the only reason I haven’t shipped myself back home. Anyways, being around Allen is so comfortable and we always have great conversation, so I’ve never felt the need to talk to anyone else. Also, I’m a pretty shy person. So not only have I been content with my one friend, I’m also too scared to make more lol.
Well during this Marseille trip, I was determined to change my friend situation. I want more!! And so I tried my absolute hardest to do that. I actually spoke to people other than Allen, went out with them, and honestly really enjoyed myself! It was so nice to experience all these different personalities. And it was kinda worrying at first, I mean there was definitely a small part of me that was like “noooo stay comfortable” but literally nothing good comes out of that. So I did it!! I put myself out there, and I think it went great.
ALSO I made friends with a real French person!! We met at a thrift shop and got tattoos and drinks together!! It was so cool. It was so natural to become friends with her, I think cause it’s a lot less nerve racking for me to get to know one person rather than a group of people, which is why I struggle with being friendly with everyone in my program. But it’s slowly changing, that’s what matters! Before we know it I’m gonna be besties for the resties with everyone here.
Here’s to new friends, so many new experiences, and being proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. Being in a brand new city (mostly) alone is not easy y’all. And the more you hermit away in your apartment, the more you’re just gonna suffer. So don’t be like me and take eight weeks to make friends lol. I know, easier said than done, but try. Try to put yourself out there. People are nicer than you think, I promise.
Lots of wins this week y’all. This city can’t touch me. See ya.

Aliya Sayani
Hi everyone! Studying abroad in Nice specifically has been a dream of mine since I was a junior in high school.
It's very important to me to write from the perspective of a first gen and low income student. I want to provide y'all with some sense of comfort and togetherness during what might be a super exciting but potentially scary or overwhelming process. I just want my experiences and advice to mean something to students like me.
I hope y'all enjoy the things I share!