Something absolutely amazing happened last weekend!! I got to visit Budapest! And it was everything I had ever dreamed of.
I've wanted to visit Budapest since I was 18 years old. I can’t really tell you the rationality behind it. Actually, I can’t even tell you why I loved it so much when I went this past weekend. I just did. It was something about the city, man. It just had a feel to it.
Anyways, I’ve watched to visit Budapest forever. Except when I was 18, it was just a fantasy cause I NEVER thought I’d actually get to go. There was just something about the city that was so alluring to me. I was a huge fan of the architecture, I knew Spring and Summer there was absolutely beautiful, I knew the city was super cheap. And I don’t know, I just weirdly saw myself living there. It’s kinda like when you have a toxic boyfriend and your friends ask you why you’re with him and you can’t really explain it? Yeah that’s how I feel about Budapest…but in a good way. The city just makes sense to me. Why wouldn’t I love it?
Moving forward, I got to visit last weekend!! We touched down kind late, like 5 p.m. But we got right to work. We quickly got our 72 hour bus passes and hopped on the 100E into the city. Girl let me tell you. That bus was hot. It was crammed and sweaty and I was probably the happiest I’ve ever been. I was in Budapest!!! I didn’t care if I was sweating under my four layers!!
The bus ride took absolutely forever, but pretty soon, we were in the center of the city. We had scheduled a boat tour of the city that was coming up in about 45 minutes so we booked it right to the water. After grabbing a 6 piece wings first of course. The cruise was beautiful! The picture at the top of this post is The Parliament building; it was stunning at night! it was nice to just chill and see the sights and indulge in ridiculously cheap drinks. I did have one little skirmish with some lady who would not stop elbowing me in the back, but hey..when in Budapest!
The boat tour quickly ended and we were off to grab dinner FOR THREE DOLLARS MAY I ADD. God everything was so cheap!!! Dinner turned into drinks and we went to this famous bar Szimpla Kert. Super cool place, you gotta check it out. It was decorated all eclectic with writing all over the walls, fun cushions, weird videos being played on the walls..ugh I wanna go back so bad. Anyways, the bar was real neat. We headed over to a 2000s American R&B spot (??? don’t know how in the world they had this there) and got a personal concert from some Hungarian celebrity who would just not stop singing. After his like sixth song we were ready to go home.
Night night.

Aliya Sayani
Hi everyone! Studying abroad in Nice specifically has been a dream of mine since I was a junior in high school.
It's very important to me to write from the perspective of a first gen and low income student. I want to provide y'all with some sense of comfort and togetherness during what might be a super exciting but potentially scary or overwhelming process. I just want my experiences and advice to mean something to students like me.
I hope y'all enjoy the things I share!