Hi, all! My name is Alison Castañeda and I am a rising junior at the University of Redlands. I am double majoring in Communicative Disorders (speech-language pathology) and in Spanish.
So first things first, I am ecstatic about studying abroad in Barcelona. There are no words to describe exactly how I’m feeling. I’m actually shocked at how fast time flew by. I officially started planning for this trip last September (one year ago!); I was happy about my decision to study abroad. About a month ago reality hit me…I AM GOING TO BE STUDYING ABROAD IN BARCELONA FOR ALMOST 4 MONTHS. I still can’t believe it. It all seems like a dream. Since I was in middle school I would nonchalantly say, “oh yeah, I’m going to study abroad one day,” but now it’s actually here! In T-minus 4 days I am finally going travel to the city that I’ve anxiously been waiting to visit.
Although for the most part I am excited about going abroad, I can also say I’m nervous and a tad bit scared. I am excited to explore Spain and hopefully travel to other places I’ve always wanted to go to (like Paris, Venice, and Morocco). I am nervous because I don’t know what to expect, having never traveled to Europe before, I have no idea what I’m getting myself into. Being one of those people that likes to plan everything, I am going to have to get used to making spontaneous decisions and trying things for the first time. The unknown is a bit scary and nerve-wracking but hey, it’s all a part of the experience.

Alison Castaneda
<p>My name is Alison Castañeda and I'm a junior double majoring in Communicative Disorders and Spanish at the University of Redlands. I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga, California and I have a passion for traveling, exploring new places, trying new food, and taking tons of pictures. In my free time I like to go thrift shopping, drawing, taking trips to Los Angeles, and spending time with my family. Studying in Barcelona this fall is such a blessing and I couldn?t be happier with my decision.</p>