One of my favorite things to do when I travel to a new area is run to take in the sights, people, and nature, whether that be if I’m taking a vacation, or living somewhere for a while such as college. Because I would be living in Buenos Aires for these four months, I knew I wanted to incorporate this hobby into my daily routine. I took the first few weeks to find the best parks and plazas to run and because city running can a lot different, there was a bit of a learning curb too. After running here for quite some time, I wanted to make a blog post to share some useful tips and places I have enjoyed exploring for anyone who also enjoys running to explore new cultures and places.
Bring a running belt, bus card, and your phone. Always.
You never know when you'll need your bus card or some extra cash for a spontaneous ice cream stop with your running buddy (I strongly support the cash for icecream from experience)!
Try not to listen to music (except for in parks)
You want to be aware of your surroundings in the streets because there are a ton of people, and cars. The parks are generally safer to run with headphones because they aren't as populated with cars.
If you want a social aspect, do some research on running groups!
A pleasant surprise I found is that in Buenos Aires is a strong culture of exercise in a social context. Besides running groups, there are also cycling classes, fitness, dancing, and roller skating groups you can immerse yourself in! After looking through multiple running teams, I joined the La Meta Running group. While I did not join the group until midway through my experience, it has been a highlight of my week to work out in a positive setting. As someone who ran in a team during middle and high school, it's a nice way to get to know people and bring a sense of competition healthily into a new lifestyle.

Favorite Places Around Buenos Aires to Run & Review:
Ecología de Sur- Puerto Madero:

Coming in the top spot is a 5 mile loop that I have only discovered recently through a friend of mine here. It’s truly an escape from the pavement, traffic, cars, and chaos. I usually take the bus that I take to get to UCA, my university. There are two entrances that are clearly marked and marked paths that are gravel or softer ground (perfect for the joints). There are a ton of people relaxing by the bodies of water and little nooks to explore.
Parque Rosedal- Palermo

A close second is Parque Rosedal. A mile-long loop, this spot is located in the Palermo area and offers a nice view of a small lake, various restaurants, and people spending time outside. While the loop is all concrete, my favorite part includes the marked distances which serve for a perfect workout. A sweet touch is the ducks which are often friendly to anyone who passes by. There are no cars that drive along the loops, although it is closer to the city and street.
Facultad UBA:
Near Parque Rosedal is the park near Facultad UBA. I usually run straight to the area near the Facultad UBA from my home. You can take in the several sculptures, the impressive structure of the University that serves for Law studies, and the various small parks spread out. While the area is right along the city and people, I often run in this area when I need a quick run with not as much traffic.
Around my house!

While city running is often not ideal, sometimes I can only fit in a short run in between classes and other responsibilities, so I will sometimes simply pick a direction and wander until I turn around. Many times, I choose a general direction I'm familiar with, like a landmark. Sometimes, I prefer this more than running with a purpose because I can encounter unique spaces, buildings, and places I want to visit again. I always make sure I have my phone and google maps loaded incase I get lost!
While it took me awhile to find my favorite spaces, that in itself was a fun journey to delve into and an adjustment I had not encountered before. Running has more than just a way to move my body, but rather a way to get to know people and challenge myself. I hope to share this blog to encourage other people to find the joy in running and experiencing a city through this way.

Alia McLaughlin
Hi! I'm Alia and I am from Park City, UT. I love meeting new people and hearing about their stories, yummy food, running, and learning new languages. I'm psyched to study abroad and I hope to continue these hobbies and try some new ones too!