One day over the winter, my mom sent me a text containing the information about IES Internships with an opportunity to live and work in Hong Kong for eight weeks. I was hesitant; did I really want to take on an unpaid internship? As I kept talking about it with my mother, who hails from Hong Kong, I got more excited about this incredible opportunity. A week later, I was accepted into the program and had paid my deposit. Since that moment, every other thought on my mind has been about Hong Kong and the beautiful culture that awaits.
I am the textbook definition of someone who over-prepares. I arrive in Hong Kong in a few weeks, yet I am already somewhat familiar with the neighborhoods, food, and transportation system. I received my internship placement, helping to establish the marketing department for an Australian fitness company. The second I found out, I learned about this company’s philosophy and followed all of the Hong Kong locations on Instagram. And of course, I found the best transportation method from my apartment to the office. The more I discover, the more I feel like shouting with excitement.
Traveling abroad is not new to me. Over the years, I have been fortunate to visit several countries across Europe and Asia. I have even been to China, but Hong Kong is supposed to be the most unique place in the world, where the East meets the West. Between the British rule of Hong Kong ending in 1997, the Chinese influence, and the hundreds of thousands of expats from across the globe, it truly is the international city.
One thing that will take some adjusting to is the food. I am a pescatarian, meaning the only meat I eat is fish, so I will have to be aware about what I am eating. The only issue is that I love to eat, so I have to make sure whatever delicious morsel of food I put into my mouth is, in fact, fish. Another thing that will take some time is getting used to living in small spaces. Hong Kong boasts a population of over seven million, so there is a bit of a housing shortage, forcing people to live in compact areas. Americans pride themselves on having large houses and lavish cars; Hong Kong does not necessarily have these amenities that are so easily found in America.
Hong Kong is going to be nothing short of new adventures, new memories, and new friends. This experience is definitely once-in-a-lifetime, and I would be foolish to be under-prepared. Who knows what I would miss if I did not adequately prepare? With a summer full of adventure in front of me, I need to know everything I can fit in. Hong Kong is the adventurer’s dream city, and I plan to take full advantage of every opportunity I see.

Alexandra Bartkoske
<p>Hi, my name is Alexandra, and I am a sophomore finance major and English minor, as well as being on the pre-law track, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. On campus, I am on a business fraternity and have an on-campus job. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, shopping, working out, and of course, traveling. Hong Kong is the 31st country or city-state I've visited, and I cannot wait to share my experiences with students interested in visiting!</p>