That Look

Alexander Johnson
June 10, 2016

People keep giving me that look when I tell them that Iā€™m going to Barcelona with IES Abroad for six weeks to take a class in Spanish conversation.  Itā€™s that look of skepticism and confusion, sometimes even with a little bit of disgust mixed in, that people show when they see or hear something completely unexpected.  You see, Iā€™m extremely introverted.  I often ignore people or pretend that Iā€™m too busy to talk in order to avoid having conversations.  Even when Iā€™m pressed into speaking with someone, Iā€™ll keep my sentences brief and simple to avoid showing him the awkwardness of my sparsely-used spoken English.  So, you can imagine the shock visible on my acquaintances faces when I tell them that, for half of the summer, Iā€™ll be graded on oral proficiency in a language that I havenā€™t even mastered.  Their brows furrow and their eyes tighten, as though theyā€™re attempting to peer into my brain and search for a logical reason for why I would choose to spend my time and money on a study abroad program whose structure is inherently disadvantageous to someone with my personality.  They give me that look (I tried to imitate it below) because they think that Iā€™ll be too reticent to better my speaking in Spain.



I donā€™t really mind that look, though.  People gave me that look when, during my senior year in high school, I told them that I would be studying engineering despite being much more proficient in Spanish than in Calculus or Physics.  People gave me that look when, during my freshman year of college, I told them that I would be pursuing minors in Spanish and Japanese despite having no experience in the latter and an already full course load in engineering.  Now, when I see that look, I just see an opportunity to exceed peopleā€™s expectations and grow as a person.  Iā€™m really looking forward to blowing people away with my spoken Spanish upon coming back.

As for the reason for why I would choose a program like this, I think that itā€™s because Iā€™m an introvert.  Iā€™m really jealous of people who have a way with words and people who can easily speak eloquently and freely.  Maybe being unable to do so has given me a better appreciation for the art of conversation and an exaggerated desire to learn it.  So, the number one thing I hope to gain from being abroad is the ability to talk to people a little more easily, even if itā€™s only in Spanish.  I leave in two days, and I havenā€™t started packing, so I should also learn to be more proactive.  One goal at a time, I guess.


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Alexander Johnson

<p>I am a student at Northwestern University student studying Electrical Engineering, Spanish, and Japanese. This summer, I will be experiencing the great city of Barcelona, Spain and reporting back on all my wonderful findings right here. I hope to inspire a few people to try adventuring out of there comfort zone, too.</p>

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Northwestern University
Engineering - General
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