I spent three days in London during Easter break-- here are some photos from my time there!
On the first day, I met with my sister (who was also visiting London) and together we went to the Warner Brothers studio where the Harry Potter movies were filmed. A group tour company took us out to the studio and drove us back to central London three hours later. I am a giant Harry Potter fan, so it was an absolutely incredible experience. However, I definitely wish I had been given more time to spend at the studio -- everything felt really rushed, and there were even some things I had to skip because of how soon our bus would be leaving. I took dozens of pictures with my phone in the studio, but unfortunately they're unavailable because I lost my phone a few days later in Rome.
On the second day, I just walked all over London to get a feel of what the city was like; my sister had already been there for a week, so I was very behind on sightseeing.
On the third day, I explored the SoHo neighborhood, which is where my hostel was, and read my book (that I bought from Hatchard's, London's oldest bookshop) in Hyde Park. In the evening, I did a night sightseeing bus tour.

Aiman Khan
<p>Hello! I am currently in my second year at the University of Virginia, studying Economics and Music. I’ve decided to take a semester to study music in what is quite possibly the best place in the world to do it – Vienna, Austria. I have been playing the French horn for ten years, but I can’t wait for the new experiences Vienna will bring me, and to document and share all my adventures!</p>