Inequality in Shanghai: A Photoblog

Adam Dalton
May 10, 2015
Nail House near the Dapu Bridge

May 11th, 2015


The date is May 10th, 2015, and a light early-summer rain sprinkles down on my unprotected head as I walk for hours down the grey-tinged streets of Shanghai. I've just come back from an epic tour of Inner Mongolia and, while running on caffeine and determination, am on a mission to document one of the most prevelant and memorable phenomena I have noticed during my time in Shanghai: the extreme gap between (and incredible juxtaposition) of Shanghai's ultra-wealthy and derelict. In this week's blog post I am going to venture away from my typical written-post format and instead post an interactive photo-gallery which illustrates the large gap between the have and have-nots in Shanghai. In American culture a common phrase exists, "A picture is worth a thousand words", so without further adieu please check out the photo-gallery below.

Until next time,

Adam Dalton 

Adam Dalton

<div>My Name is Adam Dalton and I am currently a junior at Grinnell College majoring in Economics and Chinese Studies. I am originally from Mason City, IA and will be studying abroad in Shanghai with IES Shanghai next semester. Aside from academics, my interests including playing guitar, enjoying the great outdoors and running (I am a member of Grinnell&#39;s T&amp;F and XC teams).&nbsp;</div>

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Chinese Language
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